Reflections on the Grind

thoughts on life

Archive for March 26th, 2009

Windy Thursday

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Had a long meeting today. Had to go to Ongkharak office. Long commute. I dislike going there because there is no easy internet/computer access. So I can’t get much work done. However, today’s meeting wasn’t so bad because it ended a bit early, so I could get back to Bangkok office and did some work before going home.

Today’s weather was nicer than yesterday. Cooler than it has been lately. “Cool” is relative here. Foreigners from Europe or North America would feel this weather is sweltering. But it had some wind out there. Wind is good. It cools my body down by a lot.

Had some good sweat going. Some discomforts here and there. Nothing serious. Lance Armstrong is going through a much worse injury. Pain is part of the challenge.

The GPS seemed to be off again today. The pace seemed way too fast. Oh well. So I had no idea how far I ran. Time is known. Distance is wrong. Can’t figure out the speed. Maybe I will go run on fixed distance track more from now. I was out there for a while, and got some solid distance.

I just got back to running the beginning of the year. So it has been less than 3 months. One should always try to get better, but also must be patient.

Random thought:

Written by Rop

March 26, 2009 at 11:51 pm

Posted in running